Custom Menus
Download v1.1 (123 KB) for Mac OS 7.0 through 8.1. Now freeware!
For freeware operation, enter the following name and code in the control panel:
Registered to: Freeware
Registration code: PHYH
Custom Menus 1.1 is a control panel that lets you:
- Tear-Off menus and move them anywhere for faster access to often-used items.
- Build your own menus from items in any menu.
- Put all your favorite items in a single menu. Then rename any
- Choose your own Font, Size and colors for the menus and the menu bar
- Pop-Up the Menu Bar under the mouse: no more reaching for the top of the screen!
"Great for PowerBook users who have to deal with the 800x600 display, where menus are usually tiny." says Tim Nelson of Nelson Multimedia. Custom Menus lets you set any font or size for the menus!
" Am DELIGHTED with Custom Menus... probably the neatest utility I've ever invested in! I use it with Finale 3.7 (music program), which has zillions of nested menus, and your Utility is superb!" says Peter Lurie on CompuServe.
This MacOS control panel works on all Mac OS computers running System 7.x on a 68020 or later.
Changes since version 1.0.3
- Supports Mac OS 8.0 and 8.1
- Supports Appearance 1.0, 1.01 and 1.0.2
- Fixed a bug which caused keystroke misses when a torn menu was displayed
- Fixed a bug which disturbed desktop icons when switching menu fonts
- Fixed a bug which caused a freeze on some systems when closing the reminder windoid
- Fixed a crash problem with Excel 5
- Torn menus use Kaleidoscope colors if Kaleidoscope is running (tested with v1.8.2)
- Misc. changes and fixes
Known problems in Custom Menus 1.1
- If Custom Menus refuses to work when you upgrade from 1.0.3, please delete the Custom Menus prefs file from the Preferences folder and restart.
- If the "your changes could not be saved" dialog doesn't let you enter your registration code, please turn off Custom Menus, trash the Custom Menus prefs file and restart.
- Apollo must load after Custom Menus.
- Now Utilities 6.5 key equivalent can't be added to menu items when Custom Menus is running.
- not compatible with Church Windows
- Key equivalents in FileMaker Pro are drawn over the command symbol
- Minicad objects are difficult to move when a torn menu is on the screen
- GIFconverter menus don't behave normally
Marc Moini 2012